Warriors Of Legend

What on earth is this about?
Warriors of Legend is a story/book I'm writing. This page (when I finish it) will be composed of the story and other things I've stuck my characters into, such as dialogues between them in situations they don't appear in in the story. These are lighter reading and the various oddities about my characters are shown in a more humorous way than they appear in Warriors of Legend.
That's nice, but I still don't get it!
I'll have some character profiles and histories up soon, but until then just bear with me. In order to understand any of this, you have to know what an anthropomorphic, or fur, is. A good explanation can be found at http://www.furry.com/whatisff.htm. It's kind of long, but it explains the whole thing very well.
This is still very much under construction, so you can either mumble about how slow I am or just wait for the rest of the site to come up. It's your call.
Favorite Links

Character Profiles and Histories

Dialogues with the Warriors

Warriors of Legend

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